There is so much to update that I am having a hard time figuring out where to begin! We have been so busy here at the Hill house, and I am very thankful that it is all good things. Preschool is off to a great start, so far we have had a day that was all about snowmen, and a day dedicated to all Valentine's day. Grayson has really enjoyed listening to all of the stories and watching the finger puppets as well as making snow, and stamping snowflakes using a sponge and puffy paint.Week two we did Valentine crafts and he made mommy his very first Valentine which is now on the refridgerator (of course)! It was marble painting on a cute heart and then we traced his hand and shaped it to say I love you:) I love it! Last week Grayson had an eye procedure, and it went extremely well. He was super mad after he woke up from anesthesia, but his eyes look amazing! We had put off this procedure for about a year because of all the setbacks he had with his kidneys last year, which are now stable and we are believing they are healed! Basically his tear ducts were clogged which made his eyes very puffy at times and they didn't drain properly. These stints that were placed will stay in for about three weeks and then are taken out in the office, which blows my mind! I still am blown away by what doctors and surgeons are able to do in this modern medical world. I say it all the time that I feel like doctors are gifts from God. He has blessed some very smart folks with the ability to learn these incredible things that help kiddos like ours and that really means a lot! So no more goopy eyes and I know it has helped his vision remain clearer because his eyes aren't so watery all the time now.
So moving on. I am so ready for spring! We have a sleep study scheduled in April, then we find out if the trach can come out! For the first time I feel like we really have a shot at it:) There are so many amazing things that he is doing, that I feel like this time it may be different. So please pray that all sleep apnea issues are gone! That is the only reason that he continues to keep the trach in the first place. I try not to let myself think too much about the future, only because it is just that...the future! But I can't help but think about seeing his sweet face for the first time with no trach ataached at the base of his neck. What a miracle his life is, what a testimony that will be to what God can do! We still get emotional about what he has already done for him and for us through him! We feel like we have been let in on some sort of secret on life, it truly is an honor to be trusted with such a special little boy. I gotta tell the big brothers are pretty proud of him too. We have had a great start to 2011, and for that I am thankful:)